Looking for a PHP Developer? Or maybe a PHP programmer, LAMP developer or a Full Stack developer in Melbourne?
Web Agent is an experienced PHP developer with enough knowledge about web application development to build a custom LAMP (LINUX, Apache, PHP, MySQL) app that will run your warehouse. An experienced PHP developer in Melbourne is not easy to find if you have been searching. We can get the job done and if its to big we will guide you in the right direction? Pricing is another consideration that must be taken into account when searching for a web app developer in Melbourne. And yes we are competitive but still realistic.
Of course there are many tutorials online that will turn anyone into a database/PHP architect as soon as they figure out why they can’t load a file bigger than 2mb into MySQL. Been there, done that. And let’s face it. Most brilliant minds such as the ones reading this text would most likely want to know what time it is not how the clock works!
A legitimate question to ask yourself when searching for an experienced PHP Developer in Melbourne is what have they developed “themselves”. We have a couple of examples we can discuss with you that were fully developed by Web Agent. That means that the one project manager/developer has:
1. Met with the client
Meeting clients can have many outcomes when it comes to web development. The one who usually will meet a client is a sales person. They are great. They are talented people that know how to sell a product or service. But they are not programmers or web developers. At web agent the person who will be creating your web application is the one who will meet you and understand what you need your web application to do and how difficult it will be to create.
2. Created the project briefs
Once the initial consultation is out of the way we can focus on what it is that the web application will do. This will involve a MySQL database, PHP code, CSS code, HTML code and JavaScript code with a bit of AJAX too most likely.
3. Designed the GUI in Adobe Photoshop
A nice way to make sure that the application will do what you would like it to do is to have an image of each of the screens that the application will have designed in a program similar to Adobe Photoshop and create a flow of what each of the buttons or links will actually do. It is a very transparent way of handling the exchange of information and documenting it visually. This way you and the developer both know what the application will do and look like. The way the application looks and responds is called the GUI or otherwise know as Graphical User Interface.
4. Designed the relational database in MySQL
This is where application development gets interesting. At this point the integral design of the application is developed and where scalable design starts come into play. The entire application will store its contents in the database. When the application is changed it will generally require changes to the database. These changes may affect the rest of the application therefore causing large stumbling blocks in future development of the application. Alterations to the application design will depend largely on what framework of if any framework was used and how it interacts with the database.
5. Created the Relational Database architecture for the web application
The reason we focus on the relational database design is that one of the main issues in scalability that I have noticed is how some relationships are created in between the tables. Mainly the one to many relationship. If there is an object that has many relationships to other objects and it is stored in a table without a primary key therefore not giving it access to a foreign key it gets stuck! But this needs to be managed through consulting as you can not create a table for every object as this would start to use up too many resources and be impossible to manage from both a coding point of view and a resources point of view.
6. Developed and tested the PHP code
As with all coding and web development projects there are bugs. These usually present themselves as development goes on but also as web applications go into production. Sometimes it is impossible to figure out all the bugs in advance. But this does depend on several variables. Generally foresight, experience and a bit of luck. Sometimes there are bugs that actually are not due to the code but the server setup. This is where technical knowledge of servers comes in handy for those that are trying to debug such issues. Fortunately time has given me the opportunity to understand servers to an extent that allows me the leisure of having a look at these situations and if i cant there are people readily available for me to count on to fix these issues.
7. Set up the LAMP server for development and live application
Setting up a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) server can actually be an entire job within itself. These servers have to be updated on a regular interval in order not to have security holes in them. Although security holes can also be created by accident when applications are developed. Once the servers are setup they will need to be tuned based on the requirements of the application. Depending on the framework that was used to assemble the application certain permissions may need to be setup on the server. Resource usage also requires tweaking to ensure that the application does not run too slow. Once the databases grow over time due to large data collection certain procedures will need to be run on the databases to ensure they can handle the data.
8. Hosting and technical issues
Hosting of the application is a crucial part once the web application is in production mode. The application will only be as good as the hosting it is on and the connections made to it. We offer hosting to our clients enabling us to have access to all that is required to troubleshoot problems.
10.Continued to develop existing scalable structure
Considering that the application has been designed in such a way that it can be altered without having to reconstruct the whole thing it can grow. This of course has to be thought of at the beginning of the project and the budget and time are the tings that effect this.
This would generally fall within the Full Stack Developer definition, but what is wrong with hiring a versatile individual who is efficient. That would save time and money.
Depending on your budget you may find a digital agency that can take on any project for a price. They will have access to a web developer, a database engineer, a graphic designer, a front end developer and a back end developer which each get paid as much as I most likely do. You do the math. I am a marketing graduate who has been developing for the web since 1999, using Adobe Creative Suite before it became a suite. And not to write my code for me. Just because I like it. Experience is the key word. Feel free to call Web Agent for a PHP Developer in Melbourne.

We develop using LAMP which is short hand for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
This is an open source framework that has modest monthly maintenance fees. Your hosting. The only other costs related to it are PHP development costs. Those costs can easily be managed if you have one person working on the project that can conceptualise, design, present, implement and test your graphical user interface (front end) and back end (database and programming). We aim to bring your information management dreams to life using reliable open source at a reasonable price.
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